Website developers know that websites don’t sit own the developer’s computers, rather they use the web for the data storage. Hence, to have your own website that is to be accessible by all, you need to deal with a web hosting company that provides you the space for your website on the web. There are many companies that provide Webhosting services, many being top-notch, and other varying tremendously in their service quality. If you need to establish a website, you must look into the detailed services provided by the company before you decide to purchase their product. Here are a few essential features that you must consider in a hosting service.
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Storage Capacity
While choosing to host, your first concern is “how much data you can store?”. For small websites, several gigabytes should be enough. Many hosts offer “unlimited storage” that is not actually “unlimited”.

Their term and conditions indicate that this unlimited is limited up to the normal site use. So, if you need a big website talk to your host and set clear data storage limits.
Amount of Bandwidth
It is the amount of data that can be uploaded or downloaded per month by you and your user cumulatively. For instance, if the bandwidth in your package is 10 MBs; you have created a website by uploading 1 MB data; one user serf across your whole website and downloads the same one MB then you can only have 8 more such users in the said month.
After that your host either would not allow more visitors or would charge extra per MB. Thus, carefully telly the provided bandwidth with your website requirements.
Number of Domains and Subdomains
If you own a website and are planning to have more, it is better to buy a hosting service with multiple domains, as it is hard to manage to host for every domain separately. Your account would show an area where you can add all your domains and can manage them from there. The same is the way to add and manage subdomains.
Email Accounts
Many web hosting services offer Email accounts, identical to your domain. This is usually of great importance, especially if you are running a business and need to interact with your clients regularly.
Database Support
you need database support at the back end, even if you have a small website. You need to search which database type can work best for you. Most hosts offer MySQL, which is enough for most of the clients. Still, you may prefer PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or another flavor. Check your requirement and go for the best.
Technical Support
This is a very important feature of hosting. You need to contact them very often while designing your website. Find out how often and by which means you can contact the support team. It is better if they have a wiki or library of help in addition to the contact number and email and it is best if there is a live chat option available for the clients. Never compromise on this feature otherwise there could be big trouble in the future.